Economics Undergraduate Program (B.Sc.)

The language of instruction of this program is 100% English. The program is completed with core courses such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, modeling tools Game Theory and Advanced Econometrics, and specialization courses such as Development Economics, Education Economics, Energy Economics, Financial Economics, Health Economics and Industrial Organization. In all courses, faculty members convey their research and consultancy experiences, and students are trained as well-rounded economists.

In the third and fourth years of the program, students are expected to develop expertise in one area of the economy and an industry to which that field is dependent—such as banking, electricity, health, oil and gas, telecommunications or transportation.

Successful students are integrated into departmental research and consulting work in emerging specialties, and gain experience under the direct supervision of faculty members. Therefore, our students will have a very special advantage in order to be able to settle in jobs in their fields of expertise and to be successful.

İTÜ Economics YÖK Atlas:

Important Note: After completing the English preparatory class, it is recommended that irregular students who start taking department courses in the spring semester should take both Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics in their first semesters. Since these courses are prerequisites for some department courses to be taken later, students who successfully complete these courses can continue to take department courses regularly in the following semester.

Undergraduate Course Plan (by Year):

Undergraduate Course Equivalencies: